Monday, November 28, 2011

Can't believe how fast this year has gone! We are finally nearing the end of the construction of our house. We are hoping to get back in full swing here at the farm. I've been chopping at the bit to clean out the garden and get it ready for spring. The unusual high temperatures this summer really did a number on the garden. We did end up growing luffa sponges and will have them available in the next week or so.

We have downsized our numbers (of goats) a little in preparation for colder temperatures. Last year with the blizzard it was a little crazy with all the goats wanting to stay inside and having babies in freezing temperatures. This year, I did postpone breedings so that we won't have any babies during January and February.

We are still taking soaps, lotions and lip balms to the Downtown Farmer's Market. The Downtown Market is open now year round! We are there on Tuesdays from 10am to 2pm. However, for the months of January and February, our attendance will be dependent on the weather. We will post on the Honey Milk Farms Facebook whether we will be there or not.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wow is it HOT! I can't tell you how many days we've had over 100 degrees and no rain. Today seems the worst - 112 right now - ugh! We are trying to keep the fruit trees and native pecan trees watered so they won't die. So many trees all around are dying - looks like Fall - just doesn't feel like it. None of the animals seem to want to leave the shade - can't say that I blame them. Not sure if we will have a honey crop - there is nothing to feed the bees. Our grass is drying up and I've had to buy hay (First time ever in Summer). It's been a rough year - first below average cool temps while our fruit trees were blooming - so no fruit with the exception of a few apples. The blueberries did produce as they are polinated by Bumble Bees which can fly at lower temps than the Honey Bees and other pollinators. Our tomatoes and peppers were producing well up until about a week ago - then the attack by grasshoppers and beetles. Since we don't use chemicals we are having to just deal with it. I am hoping the plants survive and we will have a Fall crop.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This has definitely been an interesting last couple of weeks. Snow, snow and more snow. We now have 13 babies...two of which were born today in the frigid temperatures. Momma was doing great but I brought them in one at a time and dried them off. Both are back with mom and under a heat lamp.
Our newest Sable buck sharing the heat lamp with one of the barn cats.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Our newest addition - our first registered 100% Sable doe. Sorry she's not for sale :-)!! She was a surprise - her momma was not one of the ones I had scheduled to kid this week. Momma did great however - she is BIG and healthy & strong, as well as GORGEOUS!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Our first babies are here! A boy and a girl! Lots of cheers for Mia and her first time kidding.